Michael Jacksons Neffe Austin Brown ist hochtalentiert

  • Justin Bieber aufgepasst, denn Austin Brown ist der neue Star am Musikhimmel. Er ist der Neffe von Michael Jackson und der 21-Jährige hat so Einiges vom King of Pop gelernt. Er kann
    tanzen, singen und sieht dabei noch verdammt gut aus. “Ich will, dass meine Familie stolz auf mich ist”, erklärt Austin Brown im Interview.

    Auch Musikkenner wissen, dass er der neue Nachwuchsstar ist und dass man sich seinen Namen merken sollte: “Er ist hochtalentiert und sein Onkel Michael Jackson wäre von seinem Können wirklich beeindruckt gewesen”, erklärt ein Musikinsider. ” Michael Jackson nahm Austin mal während einer Show in Japan mit auf die Bühne. Er war damals erst drei Jahre alt und so schüchtern, dass er sofort auf dem Absatz kehrt machte und Backstage rannte. Doch sein damaliges Lampenfieber hat er jetzt vollkommen überwunden und wir sind sehr gespannt wie weit es Austin in Zukunft bringen wird.”

    Das sind wir ebenfalls, denn seit letztem Jahr vermissen wir den so bekannten Jackson Sound und freuen uns, dass es weiter geht. Austin Brown hat gerade die neue Single Target Practice auf den Markt gebracht.Ein Interview und das neue Lied könnt ihr euch unten in den zwei Youtube Clips anschauen.


  • Der bewegt sich ja nicht schlecht....muss an den Genen liegen..und die Stimme..also manchmal.....wen hör ich denn da??

    Hier noch bisschen was über Austin...

    More than a decade ago, when Michael Jackson was working on what would become his final album, a young producer named Rodney Jerkins set up shop in the dance room of the singer's Neverland Ranch. A youngster approached Jerkins with a bold swagger.

    "I'm going to work with you. We're going to work together on my album," Austin "Auggie" Brown told Jerkins, who flashed back to his own introduction to Jackson as a teenager.

    "I'm looking at this 13-year-old kid and I'm seeing all this ambition and it reminded me of myself the first time I met his uncle," Jerkins recalls. "I believe that when you speak things into existence, it happens. ... I said, 'I'll be ready when you're ready.' "

    Brown - the son of Jackson's older sister Maureen, known as Rebbie - is now 24, and has been working at Jerkins' Los Angeles studio for months to create his debut album, "85." He's a serious and passionate student of music and dance, with handsome, distinctively angular facial features that recall his uncle in the "Thriller" period. Surrounded by musicians in his formative years, "I was a sponge," he said.

    "My brother-in-law Rex, who taught me how to produce, he would show me how to play like a Janet song or something. And then I'd go to her and be like 'Watch this!' " he said. "I wanted to learn and to learn the songs. Play the songs, and then get the reaction from playing it and show people. I wanted to figure out the music, not just be around the music."

    Perhaps the only surprise is that Brown didn't enter the family business sooner.

    "It was really important to me to develop," Brown said in an interview alongside Jerkins, with his mother looking on quietly. "First and foremost, music is a privilege. It's not an entitlement for me. So I wanted to get better and get to the point where I felt like I was ready. And I did it on my own. I wanted to write with my own people, meet people for myself. Really go through the grind that everyone has to go through."

    Brown first hit a stage when he was 3 at one of his mother's concerts in Japan. It was family connections that led him to talented dance coaches in Las Vegas and to Jerkins, and family connections that prompted interest from People magazine, Access Hollywood and MTV even before the release of his first song. But Brown makes it clear that he wants to succeed based on his own talent.

    "My last name is Brown. And you know, I can't help where I come from, but I love where I come from," he said.

    Brown says his album will blend classic soul and 1980s pop sounds with contemporary dance beats. He cites as influences Billy Idol, George Michael, Prince and his uncle - particularly when it comes to the key ingredient in songs.

    "My uncle, he was a stickler on that. He always told me, 'The melody. Be true to the melody. Melody is key,' " Brown said. "So that's really what we tried to do with '85.' "

    Jerkins, who completed a number of additional songs with Jackson before the singer's death last year, says the rich tones of Brown's voice have been prompting more flashbacks.

    "I haven't really told him this, but there have been moments where I listen to a part and it's like 'Whoa!' I get goose bumps because it just really puts me in that mind-set of MJ," Jerkins said. "And that's amazing to me. Because it takes you there for a second."

    Brown has released his first song, "Target Practice," for free via his website and expects to release his debut album, "85," next year on his label, the Royal Factory.

    Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/…tertainment#ixzz12ipBhqvl

  • Der kann ja wirklich gut Tanzen und singen.
    Der sieht auch total süß aus. Ich denke erfolg wird er schon haben, aber so viel wie Michael denke ich nicht.
    Oder was meint ihr.Achso Justin Bieber den fand ich sowieso doof.Tanzen kann er nicht so singen auch nicht und aussehen erst recht nicht.
    Aber es ist jede seine Meinung was er davon hält.

    Lg Janine

  • Ich muß auch sagen, ich bin positiv überrascht. @maja... du hast recht: ich höre da auch einiges von Michael raus... Tanzen und performen sind auch nicht unbedingt Fremdworte für ihn. Und schöne Augen hat er auch - natürlich nicht so wie Michael!
    Bin mal gespannt, ob er sich in der Szene etablieren kann und wir mehr von ihm zu hören bekommen.
    MJ feat. Janine : Ja, Justin Biber, da kann man geteilter Meinung sein. Ist sowieso reine Geschmackssache. Aber ich weiß jetzt ehrlich gesagt nicht, ob man die beiden überhaupt vergleichen kann...

  • Wenn es Michael`s Neffe ist, wer ist denn sein Vater???

    Weiß das jemand?? :lg:


    [i][font='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'][b][size=8]

    "...for the rest of my life I smile when I hear your name!
    No matter what I do
    I'm gonna keep on lovin' you..."
    Siedah Garrett
    :herz: Thanx :BlaueBlume::herz:

  • Aus Wiki:
    Am 30. November 1968 heiratete sie (Rebbie) im Alter von 18 Jahren ihre Jugendliebe Nathaniel Brown. Die beiden haben drei Kinder: die Töchter Stacee (geboren 1971) und Yashi (1977) und Sohn Austin (1985), auch Auggie genannt. Alle drei Kinder wirkten als Backgroundsänger auf ihrem letzten Album Yours Faithfully mit, Sohn Austin arbeitet zur Zeit an einem eigenen Album.

  • Dankeschön......an Tante WIKI denke ich immer gar nicht....... :hkuss::zahn:



    [i][font='Comic Sans MS, sans-serif'][b][size=8]

    "...for the rest of my life I smile when I hear your name!
    No matter what I do
    I'm gonna keep on lovin' you..."
    Siedah Garrett
    :herz: Thanx :BlaueBlume::herz:

  • Mir gefällt es auch, aber ich glaube nicht das es was wird - denn es sieht zu sehr nach Michael aus und ist damit aus Sicht des Betrchters eben nur abgekupfert :sonne:

    Aber trotzdem, gut gesungen, gute getanzt, nettes Aussehen :hkuss:

    Jeder Tag an dem Dich jemand liebt ist ein schöner Tag!

    Ich liebe Dich!!!

    Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil (und weiß Bescheid)

  • ich muss shi - mal wieder - recht geben! in meinen augen ist der knabe wirklich talentiert, nett anzusehen und sympatisch. aber ich habe den eindruck, dass alle, die zum jackson-clan gehören, versuchen, in michaels fußstapfen zu treten. die sind aber übergroß und so gar nicht auszufüllen. sie sollten ihr eigenes ding durchziehen, denn dann wären sie vermutlich erfolgreich(er).


    2021 hast Du uns für immer verlassen - trotzdem wirst Du Teil dieser Gemeinschaft bleiben. R.I.P. liebe Titania

  • Ich habe jetzt nur dieses eine Lied gehört und das ... nun ja ... hat mich nicht wirklich umgehauen. Der Junge hat vermutlich mehr Talent in seinem kleinen Zeh als die meisten anderen, die sich auf den vorderen Chartplätzen tummeln, gemeinsam irgendwie zusammenkratzen können, aber ist seine Stimme nicht etwas dünn? Für mich ist das eher ein "Stimmchen". Angenehm zwar und er kann auch wirklich singen, aber beeindruckend ist für mich trotzdem anders.
    Aber bekanntlich ist sowas ja Geschmacksache. Und vielleicht wächst das "Stimmchen" ja noch etwas. ;-)

    "Probleme sind Gelegenheiten zu zeigen, was man kann." - Duke Ellington

  • Mensch, das sind die Gene, ich höre ein bischen Michael und ich sehe ihn auch ein bischen.
    Das ist natürlich bezaubernd! Hübsches Kerlchen!

    Aber die Musik :grübel: , naja bisher finde ich sie noch etwas etwas nichtssagend. ?(
    Ich glaube, Austin fehlt die wahre Seelentiefe, die Michael schon von klein auf hatte :herz: , durch seine ganz besondere Seele und durch sein ganz besonderes Schicksal.
    Die einmalige Mischung macht es. Hat Austin eine Botschaft?
    Das was Michael ausmachte, kann man nicht mal eben wiederauferstehen lassen nur durch Talent und Gene.
    Aber vielleicht überrascht er uns ja noch?
    Ich wünsch ihm alles Gute.

  • Y'all remember "Centipede," right? That jittery, 1984 hit by Rebbie Jackson was the jam in 1984 -- and then the eldest sibling of the famed Jackson clan tucked herself away to focus on raising her own brood. Now, the next generation is ready to make their mark. Namely, Rebbie's youngest son, Austin Brown, 24, who is entering the family business with his own
    album, 85 (set to arrive early next year) and his song, "Target Practice," debuting now at austinbrown.com. Plus, his first video off the album was helmed by X-Men and Transformers co-mastermind Tom DeSanto!
    I decided to get in on this early by chatting with the single scion about the project, auntie Janet's influence and the rumored age-old feud between his uncle Michael and Prince.
    UsMagazine.com: What made you want to enter the music business?
    Austin Brown: I always wanted to do things independently, and I was too stubborn for my own good. Music meant so much to me that I wanted to know that I could do it myself without
    having to go through any connections. I went through the regular struggles like anybody else, going through deals and things not going well with your sound. I'm happy for everything that I went through because it makes me appreciate everything that's going on now much more.The same things that got you there are the same things that will hopefully keep you there if you really stay focused and stay humble.

    US: Exactly. Tell me about growing up in your family. Was there pressure to go into the business or was it the opposite?

    AB: No, not at all. My mother in particular is such a wonderful loving woman and always made it a point to let me know that I am no different than anybody else. I had a normal upbringing -- I went to school, had my friends, I played sports, she put me in my piano lessons, I was in band. There wasn’t really any pressure. The only difference was people saw my family do their job, but I loved my upbringing.

    US: Did you grow up listening to "Centipede?"

    AB: (Laughs) Of course! You grow up watching your mom do what she does and lovin' the song, and I was a proud kid.

    US: What was your uncle Michael Jackson really like?

    AB: My uncle was always big on teaching my cousins and me about song structure. He would like to break down songs -- he would always start with the base line, and then start humming a melody. He wanted to teach me how things came together, how to portray my voice and where music came from. The main thing with my uncle was just the love he showed all of us and how caring and giving he was to other people as well. The most important lesson that he showed us was charity and giving back. All of this meant nothing if you weren't giving anything back.

    US: Absolutely. What were some of the personal things that you got to do with him? Did you go on the rides at Neverland or go bowling?

    AB: Yeah, we would go on rides and eat candy and watch movies. I know this might sound cliché but it was just like anybody hanging out with their relatives.

    US: It's been a year since his death. What do you look back on and what was all that like? It must’ve been very tragic and completely emotional losing someone who was a mentor to you?

    AB: Yeah, to this day it's hard for me to talk about. It just hurt me that much. What I'll always remember were the wonderful memories that he gave us. And for me, as a child, I remember
    the lessons and love he showed me -- unconditional love.

    US: How are his kids doing? Are they musical?

    AB: All of my cousins are musical in some way. We all have the music bug and we all love music -- every last one of us.

    US: Do you think any of Michael's kids will go on and join you and do music as well?

    AB: I'm not sure. I think their main focus is just being kids.

    US:What about Janet? You've said before you were closest to her.

    AB: She's probably the one in my family that I talk to the most. She's really good about teaching me lessons, just the whole normal factor in life. Whenever I have problems in school, problems with friends, or just different questions about music, she's always been there. I can ask her anything, and she's always there to listen. There hasn’t been one time where she hasn't been there for me.

    US: What kind of advice has she given you?

    AB: Most importantly to stay true to my art and stay true to my music and just take my time.

    US: You also knew Prince. That's very interesting because Prince and your uncle didn’t get along so well, right?

    AB: That's actually not true! My uncle actually told me a couple years ago that they talked about doing stuff together again, but it just never happened. When I saw Prince a few years back he was giving my uncle props and saying how much he loved his voice. So I don't know how true it is that they didn't get along because that's not what I saw.

    US: I also heard you wrote a song about your uncle Michael called "I Never Will Forget," and it's supposed to be amazing.

    AB: It's the fastest I've ever written a song. I wrote it in five minutes because the emotions were just pouring out of me. It's the most special song I’ve ever written, and I just can't wait
    for people to hear it!

    US: So tell me about the new album. What does it sound like?

    AB: I titled it 85 because that's the year I was born, and I wanted to do something that represented everything that inspired me to be a musician. I wanted to do something that inspired me
    the way everything else inspired me and then show my love of music. "Target Practice," which is my first single, is a little taste of the whole album.

    US: What are your ultimate aspirations? Do you want to be as big as Michael and Janet?

    AB: It's not about being big or famous -- I just love making songs. The reason Why I do music is because there's something inside that really moves you about a song. The crazy thing about music is you can get any emotion from it -- you can be happy, you can be angry, you could be excited, or you can laugh, or you can just be relaxed and listen to a classical song. I love trying to connect with those emotions the best way I can.


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