United Negro College bietet Michael Jackson-Stipendium

Geplante Forumschließung am 20.05.2024

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  • The United Negro College Fund has announced two new scholarship programs that are now accepting applications – the Michael Jackson Scholarship and the Ray Charles Endowed Scholarship.

    Das United Negro College hat 2 neue Stipendienprogramme angekündigt für die ab sofort Bewerbungen angenommen werden. Das Michael Jackson Stipendium zur Unterstüzung von Studenten von Kunst und Sozialwissenschaften und das Ray Charles Stipendium für afro-amerkan. Studenten mit hohen akadem. Voraussetzungen, die in finanziellen Nöten sind.

    Michael Jackson
    The Michael Jackson scholarship provides financial assistance to communication arts and social science students attending a UNCF college/university during the upcoming academic year. High School seniors must be planning to matriculate at a UNCF member school in the fall. Proof of acceptance will be required.
    Candidates must have a minimum GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The scholarship will provide an award up to $5,000 depending on the financial need of the student as verified by the attending University or College.
    For more details and/or to apply, visit http://www.scholarshipsonline.org/20...holarship.html

    Ray Charles
    The Ray Charles Endowed Scholarship.helps African-American students with high academic promise that have significant financial need. Scholarships will be awarded to students who meet the following recommended eligibility criteria, and will be renewable up to one year.
    Students must be an African-American junior enrolled full-time at a UNCF member HBCU, must have a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and must have a demonstrated unmet financial need as verified by their college or university
    For more details, visit http://www.scholarshipsonline.org/20...holarship.html


  • For more details and/or to apply, visit http://www.scholarshipsonline.org/20...holarship.html

    die Link`s zu scholarshiponline funktionieren nicht
    der hier müßte gehen: http://www.scholarshipsonline.…-endowed-scholarship.html


    "When people's minds are clouded by anger or hatred, no angel can reach them". ~Michael Jackson~

  • dazu aus dem schweizer Forum:

    Michael Jackson UNCF Scholarship
    15. Mai 2015

    Der United Negro College Fund (UNCF) hat ein Stipendium für das kommende
    Schuljahr nach Michael Jackson benannt, der die philantropische
    Organisation bereits zu Lebzeiten mehrmals grosszügig unterstützt hat.

    Der “Michael Jackson Scholarship” steht Studenten zur Verfügung, die an
    einer UNCF Universität “communication arts” oder “social science”
    studieren möchten. Bedürftige Studenten mit einem genung hohen
    Notendurchschnitt können bis zu 5000 Dollar beziehen. Hier weitere
    Infos: Michael Jackson UNCF Scholarship

    Ein weiteres der Stipendien wurde nach Ray Chalres benannt.

    Weiterlesen unter http://www.jackson.ch/michael-jackson-uncf-scholarship/
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