Dokumentation "Trials of Michael Jackson" in Planung?

  • Dies wurde von Raven Woods gepostet von der ja auch zuletzt 2 hervorragende Artikel in der Huffington-Post veröffentlicht wurde bzgl. der falschen Radar-Online-Berichterstattung im Robson-Fall und
    zur Murray-Buchveröffentlichung.
    Raven berichtet, das die Macher der anerkannten CNN-Dokumenatiion "The United Shades of America" mit ihr Kontakt aufnahmen und ihr mitteilten das eine Doku "The Trials of Michael Jackson" in Planung sei, eine 6-teilige Serie für A&E. Die Serie solle aufzeigen was die Medien Michael antaten und seine Anschuldiger und deren Motivationen bloßstellen. Sie soll auch eine Verbindung sein zu einer weiteren Serie über die letzten 90 Tage von Michael und aufzeigen das die Anschuldigungen und das Medienlynching einen großen Anteil an Michaels Tod hatten. Ravens Nachfrage ob dies mit dem Travis Smiley-Buch/Projekt in Verbindung stehe wurde verneint. Mary Fisher and Aphrodite Jones seien bereits an Board für dieses Projekt. Sie seien auf Raven durch ihre in Tiefe recherchierten Artikel in der Huffington Post aufmerksam geworden und würden sie gerne als Consultant Producer für das Projekt gewinnen, dass heißt sie solle ihre Skripts auf Korrektheit der Inhalte checken, ggf auch einer der Sprecher sein. Sie habe die Macher auch darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass es noch weitere Fans gebe, die tiefes Hintergrundwissen besitze und deren Namen sie auch gerne weiter geben wolle, aber nur wenn diese einverstanden wären. Diese solle sich daher bei Raven melden.
    In 2 Wochen werde sie weitere Infos erhalten.

    Raven Woods · @emailraven

     27th Aug 2016 from TwitLonger

    Exciting News On New MJ Documentary!

    I hope everyone will excuse me for having been a bit out of pocket this past week and a half or so. A recent job promotion (can't argue with blessings) has eaten up a lot of my time recently. Hopefully the dust will settle soon and I'll be able to get back into the groove. But in the meantime, I do want to pass on some rather exciting news. As many of you know, I recently did some pieces on Michael for The Huffington Post. Those articles apparently led a Hollywood producer to discover my blog, and I received a very interesting email which led to a phone conversation.

    Turns out, these are the same people behind the very well received documentary "The United Shades of America" which ran on CNN and they are currently working on a series with Martin Sheen that will be broadcast on Investigative Discovery. He told me they are currently developing a documentary on "The Trials of Michael Jackson," a 6-part series that is going to be run on A&E. This will be a series that aims to expose what the media did to Michael and to expose his accusers and their motivations. It will also tie in to a separate but related A&E series on the last 90 days of Michael's life. (I asked him if there was any association with Tavis Smiley's project and he said no; they are totally different projects. He said Smiley's project is still being shopped). Their objective-or at least part of it-is that they want to show how the allegations and the media lynching played a huge part in killing Michael long before his time.Apparently Mary Fisher and Aphrodite Jones are already on board this project.

    Anyway, he said he was blown away by the depth of my research that he saw in the articles he read and would like to have me on board this project as a consultant producer. I also told him there were many other very good MJ researchers that I believe he should contact. I am willing to pass on the names and contact information of those who would like to take part, but I want to know that is okay with anyone before I do it so please do let me know. I told him there are so many MJ researchers who work tirelessly and devotedly at what they do, but they simply do not have the platform of mainstream journalists, many of whom are only driven by clicks and profit. It was a very interesting discussion and I felt that these people are sincere in really wanting to get this side of the story out there. It was also encouraging to learn that all of the hard work that many of us have done as researchers and advocates is not in vain. People ARE watching us-and having their eyes opened.

    As consultant producer, part of my job will be checking their scripts for accuracy of content. I may also be one of the "talking heads" although I haven't decided about that yet-I'm a very private person and really don't like being in the spotlight too much. But we'll see.

    I should be receiving more info in about two weeks. But I wanted to pass this along as it is an exciting development. This is huge, especially with the Wade Robson case pending in just a few months.

  • Raven auf Twitter:
    Sie sagt, dass die Doku stattfinden wird, aber sie habe einen Stillschweigekontrakt unterschrieben und ihr sei es daher nicht möglich dies in den sozialen Medien zu diskutieren. Daher könne sie nicht mehr sagen als zu wissen, dass es kommt ,wird ein guter Schritt vorwärts sein in der Art wie die Medien MJ darstellen.

    Raven Woods ‏@emailraven · 5 Min.Vor 5 Minuten

    know that it IS on and I believe will be a very good step forward for the media portrayal of MJ.

    Raven Woods ‏@emailraven · 6 Min.Vor 6 Minuten

    contract that will prevent me from being able to discuss it on social media. Therefore I cannot say more about it but I want to let you all

    Raven Woods ‏@emailraven · 7 Min.Vor 7 Minuten

    For those who have wondered about the status of the documentary I can only say it is still happening but I will be signing a confidentiality