Beiträge von Paris78

    Paris Jackson spent most of Saturday with her biological mother Debbie Rowe -- looking at horses, playing with her hair ... real mother/daughter
    stuff -- and what's particularly interesting ... they were hanging the same day as grandma Katherine Jackson's birthday.
    and Debbie were way out in Palmdale, CA where Debbie lives -- so if Paris saw Katherine at all yesterday ... it wasn't for long.
    The belated bond between Paris and Debbie is clearly tight.Read more:…owe-photos/#ixzz2SRRsIIPk

    Paris und Debbie verbrachten das Wochenende zusammen (an dem Tag, an dem Katherine Geburtstag hatte - sie feiert als Zeuge Jehovas ja eh nicht)

    Prince Jackson is stepping up his game -- after first being seen with his new Kuwaiti princess girlfriend out for a daytime bowling date, he then graduated to a Hollywood dinner date ... and now he's graduated to the Rolling Stones concert last night at Staples Center.
    The girl is his, indeed.Read more:…cert-photo/#ixzz2SRRLlB4S

    Prince war auf dem Rolling Stones-Konzert mit seiner Freundin...

    Dean Denton with his family and Michael Jackson.…r-friend-michael-jackson/

    It is the picture that inspires memories of an extraordinary brush with mega-stardom for a well-known Perth music family.Dean Denton, frontman of former Perth pub rockers the Frames, and his family
    have revealed details about a bizarre friendship with pop legend Michael Jackson.
    They told _The Weekend West _how a chance meeting with Jackson in a Doubleview video shop in 1996 led to an intimate year-long relationship and they were all adamant "Jacko" was
    nowhere near as whacko as implied before his death in 2009.The revelations surfaced as a Los Angeles jury began hearing evidence this
    week in a negligence lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother Katherine against promoter AEG Live.She claims AEG, which has denied any
    wrongdoing, was negligent in not properly investigating a now-jailed doctor who gave her son a powerful anaesthetic as he prepared for his
    This is it comeback tour.
    The trademark black hat, with gold-embossed name on the inside, that Jackson gave the Dentons sits in a transparent box in their northern suburbs home under their prized
    family photo with him. It is encased with their backstage passes to his Perth concert.
    A then eight-year-old Ash Denton had been roller-blading along Scarborough Beach Road with his mother Val when
    Jackson's security guard invited them into the video store. A day later, they joined an excited mob at Scarborough's Rendezvous Hotel
    where Jackson was staying.On spotting Ash in the crowd, Jackson invited him and his mother to his pent- house suite. The family then
    joined others the night of the concert in the suite, which was scattered with children's party food such as lollies and fairy bread. Ash went
    with Jackson in his limousine to the gig and was part of a circle of children on stage for Jackson's song Heal The World."You think back to it now and you think, 'We've met the absolute pinnacle of performers' . . . wow," Ash said.Dean Denton recalled Jackson phoning him for consent about any contact with
    his children. "He was as eccentric as hell, but he had that many people caring about him he couldn't do anything himself," he said.
    Mrs Denton said Jackson let her "play in his wardrobe" and try on his jackets. She said later they started speaking by phone. "To start with,
    he was phoning me about once a week, just about life," she said."It was like, 'Wow, you cut your own lawn? You paint your own house? Do you love shopping? I love shopping'. He was just lonely. It was when the first lot of charges were laid and we talked a lot about that, how heartbroken he was that it had come to that."Then suddenly, the calls stopped for good.

    kurze Zusammenfassung: Eine Familie aus Australien, die Michael 1996 kennenlernten, erzählt über ihre Erlebnisse. Ein Hut von Michael steht zusammen mit dem gemeinsamen Foto und den Eintrittskarten zu Perth-History-Show noch im Haus der Familie. Man traf sich als Michael auf Einkaufstour war, er lud sie in seine Suite ein und später konnte der Sohn der Familie bei der Show (Heal the World ) mitmachen.
    Michael rief dann im Anschluss einmal die Woche an, um über das alltägliche Leben zu plaudern. Er war einsam. Es brach ihm das Herz als die Anschuldigungen gegen ihn vorgebracht wurden. Irgendwann hörten die Anrufe plötzlich auf... :traurig2:…-verbannt_aid_977345.html
    Michael Jackson-Familie aus dem Gerichtssaal verbannt

    Der zweite Tag des Jackson-Prozesses gegen Konzertveranstalter AEG soll damit begonnen haben, dass ein Großteil von Michael Jacksons Familie aus dem Gerichtsaal verbannt wurde. Die
    Anwälte von AEG befürchteten, die zahlreichen Familienmitglieder könnten die Geschworenen beeinflussen. Nach dem zweiten Tag der
    Jackson-Klage gegen Konzertveranstalter AEG ist die Familie des 2009 verstorbenen Pop-Stars aus dem Gericht verbannt worden. Der Grund: Man
    befürchte, dass die zahlreichen Mitglieder Einfluss auf die Geschworenen ausüben könnten, meldet die britische Zeitung „The Sun“. Ursprünglich
    war vorgesehen, dass Mutter Katherine Jackson (82) von ihren Kindern Janet, Jermaine, Jackie, Tito, La Toya, Rebbie und Randy Jackson in dem
    viermonatigen Prozess unterstützt wird.
    Doch nach dem zweiten Tag gaben die Anwälte von AEG bekannt: „Es ist ein Risiko damit verbunden, wenn wir sie in den Gerichtssal lassen.“ Einzig
    Katherine Jackson darf nun als Anklägerin weiter erscheinen. Jacksons Familienanwalt hat zudem durchgesetzt, dass sie jeden Tag von einem
    ihrer Kinder begleitet werden darf. Am Dienstag war es der 51-Jährige Randy, der seiner Mutter zur Seite stand. „Er darf bleiben, aber Sie
    dürfen nicht alle fünf mit in den Gerichtssal nehmen“, soll Richterin Yvette Palazuelos gesagt haben.

    Die Jackson-Familie beschuldigt AEG, auf Jacko Druck ausgeübt zu haben, obwohl sie wussten, dass der 50-Jährige medikamentenabhängig war und an Schlaflosigkeit litt. Außerdem halten Katherine Jackson und Jacksons drei Kinder Prince (16), Paris (15) und Blanket (11) AEG für schuldig am Tod des „King of Pop“, weil sie Dr. Conrad Murray als Arzt anheuerten und überwachten. Murray hatte Jackson
    die wohl tödliche Dosis des Sedativs Propofol verabreicht. Er wurde vergangenes Jahr wegen fahrlässiger Tötung zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt.…on-death-trial/index.html

    Los Angeles (CNN) -- Dr. Conrad Murray's "severely distressed" financial situation may have led him to "break the rules" in his fatal treatment of Michael Jackson, a police investigator testified
    Tuesday. Los Angeles Police Detective Orlando Martinez testified in the Jackson wrongful death trial that Murray was trying to deal with the large drop in value of his Las
    Vegas home, unpaid taxes and child support payments for eight children with seven women.

    Murray finanzielle Probleme könnten ihn dazu verleitet haben, Regeln zu missachten, gab ein Polizeiermiitler am Dienstag zu Protokoll. (Steuern u. Unterhalt nicht bezahlt usw.)

    Michael Jackson's mother and children claim AEG Live is liable for the pop icon's death because it hired, retained and supervised Murray, who worked as his personal
    physician as he prepared for his comeback concerts in 2009.AEG says Murray was hired and supervised by Jackson, whom they blame for making bad choices because of his drug addiction. One contention in the
    lawsuit is that the concert promoter should have known that Murray's financial stress could lead to unsafe treatments for Jackson. Martinez, the second witness in the trial's first day of testimony, said that after interviewing Murray and after the search of Murray's car four days after Jackson's death, his "thinking at the moment was the crime was negligence."

    Inside the BMW -- which belonged to Murray's sister in Texas -- he found a contract between AEG Live and Murray saying he would be paid $150,000 a month to work as Jackson's doctor, along with AEG Live President Randy Phillips' business card and cell phone number, he said. "That's a lot of money for anyone," Martinez said. "Seeing the scene and talking to him about what he had done and how he did it raised questions." "Focusing on the financial aspect may have been important for Dr. Murray's willingness to disregard his Hippocratic Oath for financial gain," he testified.

    In Murrays BMW fand er den AEG-Vertrag... 150.000,- sind viel Geld -egal für wen. Murray verhalten erzeugte mehr Fragen als Antworten.
    Dieser finanzielle Aspekt könnte Murray veranlasst haben, sind Eid als Arzt zu missachten...

    Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter and was sentenced to four years in prison. Prosecutors said Jackson death was caused by a fatal combination of the
    surgical anesthetic propofol and sedatives Murray gave him in a desperate effort to treat his insomnia.Martinez said what he learned about Murray's financial troubles in the weeks after Jackson's
    death on June 25, 2009, led him "to opine that he may have, for this easy money -- the $150,000 a month -- may break the rules, bend the rules, to do whatever he needed to do to get paid."

    His investigation revealed that Murray hadn't paid his mortgage in more than six months, his home was being foreclosed on and he had several liens for unpaid
    child support and tax debts, Martinez said.Murray's Las Vegas home,which he bought for $1.6 million, was appraised at barely $1 million in 2009, he said. The Las Vegas real estate market had suffered a major
    decline in home values up to that date. Judge rules: Jacksons can't watch trial without mom

    The judge ordered that only one of Michael Jackson's brothers and sisters can come to court to watch the testimony at at a time -- and then only if Jackson family
    matriarch Katherine Jackson is present.AEG Live lawyers argued at the start of the second day of the trial that there was "a risk in allowing any of them in the courtroom."AEG expects to call
    Janet, Jermaine, Jackie, Tito, La Toya, Rebbie and Randy Jackson as witnesses in its defense. Only brother Marlon Jackson is not on the defense witness list.

    AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam said in his opening statement Monday that Jackson family members will testify about their failed attempts to intervene with Michael Jackson's
    drug addiction and their lack of knowledge about what was happening.The defense lawyers asked that Randy Jackson, the only one attending the trial Tuesday with
    his 82-year-old mother, be booted from court.After that, Jackson lawyer Brian Panish told the judge that Katherine Jackson, who can stay in court because she is a plaintiff, needed one of her children to sit
    with her each day.

    Da die meisten Jackson-Familienmitglieder auf der Zeugenliste stehen, hat AEG Einwände das diese im Gerichtssaal sind. Katherine benötige aber jemand zur Unterstützung. Randy steht nicht auf der Zeugenliste. Er darf aber nur mit Katherine zusammen im Gerichtssaal beiwohnen...Randy konnte dann auch nicht bei der Zeugenaussage des Sanitäters teilnehmen, da Katherine sich diese Aussage nicht zumuten wollte.

    "He can remain, but you cannot have five in the courtroom," Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos said. Because Katherine Jackson left the courtroom early to avoid gruesome testimony by a paramedic who described Jackson's death, Randy Jackson was unable to watch Tuesday's testimony. Randy and Rebbie Jackson attended court Monday, the trial's opening day. All of the siblings
    attended the 2011 criminal trial of Murray at various times. Having members of the famous entertainment family in court could influence the jury because their seats are just a few feet away from the jury box in the small Los Angeles courtroom.Paramedic: Jackson looked like "a hospice patient"

    The first witness called Tuesday was Richard Senneff, one of the Los Angeles County paramedics who responded to the 911 call from Michael Jackson's home on June 25,
    2009.Senneff mostly repeated the testimony he gave as one of the first witnesses in the Murray trial,describing how he initially "thought perhaps this was a hospice patient."

    "He looked like someone who was at the end stage of a long disease process," he said. "No, no, this just happened," Murray told him, Senneff said.Jackson was not breathing and appeared to be dead, he said. An AEG lawyer asked him during cross-examination if he thought Murray was not telling him the truth."I don't even go there," Senneff said. "I'm not worried about that." Senneff's testimony is
    important to informing the jury about the circumstances of Jackson's death, but the drama that filled the Murray courtroom was not

    Ähnlich wie im Murray-Prozess beschrieb der Sanitäter Michaels ersten Eindruck, als jemanden der ein lange -nun endende Krankheitsgeschichte hinter sich hat.

    In fact, humor sometimes emerged. Panish even asked Senneff whether he had ever rescued a cat. "I have not rescued a cat," Senneff, who is also a firefighter, joked. "I rescued a dog that was lying in the street."He also shared the ironic story of the next emergency he responded to after leaving Michael Jackson at the UCLA Medical Center's emergency room.

    His ambulance was called to a west Los Angeles apartment to help an elderly Russian woman, Senneff said."When she heard the news on TV that Michael Jackson had died, she fainted," he said. She
    suffered a minor head injury in her fall.
    "She was just deeply emotional when we took her to the hospital," Senneff said.

    Der nächste Einsatz zu dem der Sanitäter am 25.06.2009 gerufen wurde, war eine ältere russische Frau. Diese war in Ohnmacht gefallen, als sie von Michaels Tod hörte und hatte sich verletzt.
    Sie war sehr emotional als man Sie zum Krankenhaus brachte...

    Martinez will return to court Wednesday to resume his testimony, but the trial will break early so a juror can attend a funeral in the afternoon.A medical examiner from
    the Los Angeles County Coroner's office is expected to take the stand Thursday. No court is scheduled for Friday.

    Am Mittwoch geht es weiter, es düfte aber wegen einer Beerdigung nicht lange dauern. Am Donnerstag wird ein Gerichtsmediziner aussagen. Freitag ist frei.…=A2KJ2PauAoBRMQ0AVivQtDMD
    Ich habe noch 2 Details rausgesucht:
    Jurors listening to opening statements were given a brief tour of Jackson's life through photos of him with his children and videos of his
    performances. While Jackson's song, "You are my life," filled the courtroom, jurors watched footage of a Christmas morning when he gave
    his children a dog.

    Als "You are my life" gespielt wurde, gabe es für die Jury ein Video und/oder Fotos eines Weihnachtsmorgens als Michael seinen Kindern einen Hund schenkte. :snüf:

    The trial will feature testimony from the children's parents, Debbie Rowe, who was married to Jackson and who Putnam said witnessed the
    entertainer receiving propofol treatments in the 1990s.
    "Ms. Rowe knew this was incredibly dangerous," Putnam said, and she insisted on staying by Jackson's side while he was under the effects of
    the anesthetic.

    Debbie Rowe wird wohl aussagen..Sie wusste um die Wirkung des Medikamentes (Propofol) und bestand darauf an Michaels Seite zu bleiben, als er es eingenommen hatte.

    Hier ein paar Twitter-News von Karen Faye:

    I do not understand MJ fans that gossip about him day and night, pass
    along false information and hypotheses as truth and then object to the
    actual TRUTH to be known. I think it is very wrong for children to be
    lied to about their parents. I would feel cheated and resent others that
    keep me really knowing them. Michael was a great man, but he was human.
    I would want to know my fathers humanity.
    EVERYONE should be commended and supported on this journey towards the
    truth, especially Michaels children. EVERYONE needs to sit quietly, and
    listen intently to all sides, if they really want to know the truth.
    Michael ALWAYS supported his family while he was alive. Why do ppl think he would have a change of heart in death?

    Karen Faye

    Zusammengefasst sagt Karen, das er wichtig ist, dass die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt - auch für seine Kinder. Mike war wunderbar, aber er war auch ein Mensch. Ferner sagt Karen, dass Michael seine Familie immer unterstützt hat...…el-Jackson-gestartet.html

    29.04.13, 21:04Los Angeles
    Millionen-Prozess um Tod von Michael Jackson gestartet

    Der Tod des Pop-Superstars beschäftigt seit Montag wieder die US-Justiz. Jacksons Mutter und die Kinder des Popstars werfen
    dem Konzertveranstalter AEG vor, die Gesundheit des Stars aus Geldgier vernachlässigt zu haben.

    Foto: REUTERS
    Michael Jacksons Bruder Randy und seine Schwester Rebbie Jackson kommen am Montag zum Gericht in Los Angeles

    Los Angeles.
    Noch einmal werden die Todesumstände von Pop-Superstar Michael Jackson vor Gericht behandelt: Ein Zivilprozess hat am Montag in Los Angeles
    begonnen. Zum Prozessauftakt standen die Eröffnungsplädoyers auf dem Programm, teilte eine Gerichtssprecherin mit. Die Familie des Sängers
    hat den US-Konzertveranstalter AEG auf Schadenersatz verklagt. Jacksons Mutter Katherine (82) und seine drei Kinder werfen AEG vor, die
    Gesundheit und Sicherheit des Stars aus Geldgier vernachlässigt zu haben. Die Eventfirma soll aus ihrer Sicht fahrlässig einen Arzt
    angeheuert und dann nicht ausreichend überwacht haben. Bei dem Prozess geht es nun um Schadenersatz.

    Das Unternehmen organisierte die für den Sommer 2009 geplanten Comeback-Konzerte Jacksons in London. Wenige Woche vor dem Auftakt starb der 50-jährige Künstler während der letzten Vorbereitungen für die Shows an der Überdosis des Narkosemittels Propofol, das er zum Einschlafen nutzte. Sein Arzt, der Kardiologe Conrad Murray, wurde im Herbst 2011 wegen fahrlässiger Tötung zur Höchststrafe von vier Jahren Haft verurteilt.

    Die Anwälte von Jacksons Mutter argumentieren, dass AEG von den massiven Finanzproblemen des Arztes hätte wissen und vorgewarnt sein müssen. Der AEG-Anwalt wies indes jegliches Fehlverhalten zurück und erklärte, Murray sei nicht von dem Promoter engagiert worden. Die Eröffnungsplädoyers vom Montag dürften ein Schlaglicht auf die Suchtprobleme und anderen
    Schwierigkeiten des "King of Pop" werfen, die bislang vor Gericht noch nicht zur Sprache kamen.

    Nach Auskunft des Gerichts kam Katherine Jackson in Begleitung von Michaels Geschwistern Randy und Rebbie zum ersten Prozesstag. Zahlreiche Fans des "King of Pop" hatten sich vor dem Gericht versammelt, darunter zwei Frauen, die extra dafür aus Italien anreisten, berichtete die "Los Angeles Times".
    Es wird zudem erwartet, dass neben Verwandten viele berühmte Freunde Jacksons wie Diana Ross, Spike Lee. Prince und Quincy Jones in den Zeugenstand treten. Auch Jacksons Ex-Frauen Lisa Marie Presley und Debbie Rowe könnten in dem Prozess aussagen. Zudem sollen Ärzte, frühere Mitarbeiter des Popstars und Manager aus der Plattenindustrie aussagen. Mit Spannung wird auch der mögliche Auftritt von Jacksons älteren Kindern, Prince (16) und Paris (14), erwartet.

    Die Angehörigen wollen mit einer Summe entschädigt werden, die Jackson nach seiner Comeback-Tour und einem Karriereschub hätte verdienen können. Es geht um Millionen von
    US-Dollar, vielleicht sogar um einen Milliardenbetrag. Der neue Rechtsstreit vor zwölf Geschworenen könnte sich bis zu vier Monate hinziehen.

    Seine berührende Stimme, sein musikalisches Genie, seine Kreativität und seine Großzügigkeit und sein großes Herz - für immer ausgelöscht "

    Diese Worte gab es im Eröffnungsplädoyer. Katherine's Anwalt zeigte Clips der This is it-Proben, verwies auf Mike's Probleme seit dem Pepsi-Unfall und zeigte auch den Unfall mit der Brücke 1999 in München.
    Alle wussten lt. dem Anwalt von den gesundheitlichen Problemen aus der Vergangenheit, nur AEG zeigt sich jetzt ahnungslos.

    "Michael zahlte den ultimativen Preis. Er ist gestorben - er hat die Verantwortung übernommen..."

    By ANTHONY McCARTNEY — Apr. 29 2:10 PM EDT

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — An attorney for Michael Jackson's mother says AEG Live owed it to the pop superstar to properly investigate the doctor
    held criminally responsible for his death.The comments by Brian Panish came Monday during opening statements in
    Katherine Jackson's lawsuit against concert giant AEG Live, which she says should be held civilly liable for her son's 2009 death.

    Panish says AEG is the only entity that claims it didn't know about Jackson's addiction to prescription drugs.AEG officials have denied any wrongdoing, and its lawyers have said company executives could not have foreseen the circumstances that led to a physician giving Jackson doses of the anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid.

    A jury of six men and six women will determine whether AEG is liable and any damages award. Concert giant AEG Live owed a duty to properly investigate the doctor who treated Michael Jackson, an attorney for the singer's mother told a jury Monday morning."His stirring voice, his musical genius, his creativity and his generosity and his huge heart was extinguished forever," attorney Brian
    Panish said in opening statements of a civil lawsuit filed over Jackson's June 2009 death. Katherine Jackson is suing AEG claiming it
    failed to properly investigate the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter over Jackson's death.

    "You're going to hear the whole story about what happened in the death of Michael Jackson," Panish said.Panish made his remarks in an opening presentation filled with slides
    detailing the case against AEG, which was promoting Jackson's planned comeback concerts, "This is it."
    Jackson's mother, brother Randy and sister Rebbie sat in the front row of the courtroom as Panish detailed aspects of Jackson's life.

    An attorney for AEG is expected to begin addressing the panel later Monday.Millions, and possibly billions, of dollars are at stake. A jury of six men and six women will determine any damage award.

    Katherine Jackson sued the company in September 2010, claiming it failed to properly investigate former physician Conrad Murray before allowing
    him to serve as Jackson's tour doctor. She is also suing on behalf of her son's three children, Prince, Paris and Blanket.

    AEG denies it hired Murray and its attorneys have said they could not have foreseen the circumstances that led to Jackson's death at age 50. A
    jury convicted Murray of giving Jackson a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol in 2011. The hospital-grade anesthetic was being administered as a sleep aid.

    Panish told jurors they would be putting together a puzzle, with three pieces being Jackson, Murray and AEG Live.
    He told the panel that Jackson suffered from addiction to prescription medications and Demerol at times during his life, and the problem
    increased when he was keeping up a rigorous schedule. Panish cited a 1984 accident that injured Jackson during a Pepsi commercial suit as
    causing the singer tremendous physical pain throughout his life."Over the years Michael family's and people who knew him believed he had
    a problem with prescription medication," Panish told jurors. He said the only group that would claim they didn't know about Jackson's
    addiction issues were AEG and its executives.The lawyer showed a brief clip of Jackson rehearing for the "This is it"
    shows and a clip of the singer dancing in the early stages of his presentation. He also showed footage of 1999 show in Munich in which
    Jackson was performing when a bridge dropped 50 feet with the singer on it. Despite pain, Jackson continued performing, Panish said.

    Panish said Jackson turned to Demerol to relieve his pain.Katherine Jackson and her two oldest grandchildren, Prince and Paris, are listed as possible witnesses. An AEG attorney said Monday that the company intends to call Murray as a witness in the case as well.Murray did not testify at his criminal trial.Panish told jurors they would have to determine who was responsible for Jackson's death.

    "Michael paid the ultimate price. He died," Panish said. "Michael has taken responsibility." ;(


    AP Special Correspondent Linda Deutsch contributed to this report.

    kurze Zusammenfassung: Die LA Times berichtet über die Fans, die zum Prozessauftakt erschienen sind. So zum Beispiel zwei Italienerinnen, die extra eingeflogen sind. Die Plätze im Gerichtssaal werden ja über ein Lotterieverfahren verlost. Die beiden sind " veteran Jacksonians " :-D den Begriff kannte ich noch gar nicht...
    Michael muss Gerechtigkeit wiederfahren - beide vertreten die Verschwörungsthorie.
    Eine 40jährige Schulangestellte hat sich extra einen Tag freigenommen und ist 70 meilen gefahren. Das ist nichts, wenn man Michael so liebt, wie sie es tut..Jemand muss ihm eine Stimme geben, da er es nicht mehr kann. Sie hat beim Murray-Prozess einen anderen Fan kennengelernt-seit dem sind die beiden beste Freunde.
    Die beiden sagen, dass der Prozess die Fangemeinschaft spaltet. Der Part, der der Meinung ist, dass Ganze spiegelt die Gier der Jackson wieder und der Teil, der AEG für mitschuldig hält. Es ist wichtig, dass "gute Fans" im Gerichtssaal sind, um die Abläufe dort wahrheitsgemäß wiederzugeben.
    Ein anderer Fan sagt, hier geht es am Ende nur um das liebe Geld und MJ bleibt dabei auf der Strecke.

    Der Bericht bringt die verschiedenen Themen, die uns aktuell bewegen m. E. gut wieder :)

    Michael Jackson-AEG: Fans line up to watch wrongful-death trial…-20130429,0,7596451.story

    By Corina Knoll and Jeff Gottlieb
    April 29, 2013, 10:55 a.m.

    Silvia Gusmami and Laura Messina jetted in from Italy just for a chance to watch the Michael Jackson wrongful-death case, joining other fans at a downtown Los Angeles
    courtroom Monday who jockeyed for two lottery seats being made available to the public for the opening day of the trial.

    The two women said they spent last week watching attorneys pick jurors in the case, which is expected to last as long as four months.

    The case, in which Jackson’s mother and children have accused entertainment giant AEG of hiring and controlling the doctor who gave the pop singer a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol, is expected to dive into the sensational elements of the entertainer’s life. Gusmami and Messina said they are among the Jackson faithful who intend to follow the case.

    Messina, 35, with straight, chest-length black hair, and a nose similar to the last version that Michael Jackson modeled, admitted her friends say she
    looks like the entertainer. The two women are veteran Jacksonians, having come from Europe to watch the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray,
    the doctor who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the singer’s 2009 death on the eve of what was to be a run of comeback concerts in London.

    "We want justice for him," said Messina, a translator. "It was a conspiracy. There is a part of his fans that knows the truth. More in Europe than here."
    Julia Thomas also was among the Jackson faithful. The 40-year-old took the day off from her job as a high school office administrator and drove 70 miles from her home near Rialto to vie for a seat.

    "It's nothing when you love Michael as much as I love him," she said. "Somebody has to come out and speak up for him." Thomas sat on a bench beside Karlene Taylor, a woman she met during Murray’s
    arraignment. Thomas had been overcome with emotion that day when Jackson family members arrived in a blue Cadillac Escalade -- the pop legend's
    own vehicle. "I was breaking down crying and she came and comforted me," Thomas said of Taylor. "We're like BFF now."

    The two say the civil case has divided the Michael Jackson fan community. Some believe the Jackson family's greed propelled Jackson's mother and three children to file the wrongful-death suit.

    Others, like Taylor and Thomas, are steadfast in their belief that the Jackson family has every right to say AEG is at fault when it comes to Jackson's death.

    "This here is a case where he was an artist who was abused and bullied by his promoters and it stressed him out where he needed a sedative to be put to sleep," Thomas
    said. "That's Why AEG is liable." The two women did not win seats inside the courtroom, but were glad to hear that Taaj Malik, who runs, got inside. "We want good fans going in who will report the correct information to us," Thomas said.

    One fan who did get inside said the opportunity was "bittersweet." Samantha De Gosson, a 38-year-old photographer from Pasadena looked overwhelmed
    as she waited in the hallway. "I'm happy I can go in, but not looking forward about what's going to be said," she said. "This is a
    trial where Michael Jackson will be thrown under the bus by both parties. It's not really about justice. It's about who's going to make money."

    Though Gusmami and Messina didn't win court seats Monday, they do have another week in the United States.

    kurze deutsche Zusammenfassung folgt :)