1996-07-18 Michael Jackson in Süd Afrika bei Nelson Mandelas Geburtstag 1996
Am 18. Juli 1996, zwei Tage nachdem er dem Sultan von Brunei ein Geburtskonzert gegeben hatte, kam Michael Jackson in Süd Afrika an. Er landete umjubelt in Johannesburg, besuchte Nelson Mandela's private Geburtstagsfeier zum 78. und legte danach noch einen Kranz an einer Gedenkstätte gegen Polizeigewalt in Soweto nieder. Am 19. Juli hielt Michael in Sun City eine Rede in der er auch seine ersten Konzerte in Süd Afrika ankündigte. Vor der Abreise gab er zusammen mit Nelson Mandela noch eine kurze Pressekonferenz am Regierungssitz in Pretoria.
In diesem Video:
00:00 1996-07-18 RTL Exclusiv ...MJ landet in Johannesburg
00:22 1996-07-18 AP ...MJ landet in Johannesburg
01:33 1996-07-18 AP ...MJ bei Mandelas Geburtstagsfeier
03:07 1996-07-18 AP ...MJ an Gedenkstätte in Soweto
04:54 1996-07-19 MTV News ...MJ in Süd Afrika
05:31 1996-07-18 AP (report) ...MJ in Süd Afrika
06:48 1996-07-18 TRT ...MJ in Süd Afrika (türkish)
07:10 1996-07-18 ZDF Heute Journal ...MJ bei Mandelas Geburtstagsfeier
07:19 1996-07-19 AP ...MJ in Sun City, posiert mit kleinem Löwen
08:15 1996-07-19 AP ...MJ Rede in Sun City
09:59 1996-07-20 AP ...Pressekonferenz MJ & Mandela in Pretoria
11:40 1996-07-20 AP (report) ...Pressekonferenz MJ & Mandela in Pretoria
Eine etwas komplettere Abschrift von Michaels Rede in Sun City (Dank an @deserveMjj auf Facebook):
Michael Jackson: "We are behaving like people without compassion and love for the most vulnerable section of society. The children of the universe are without a spokesperson, they are voiceless. We are all touched by the atrocities committed against children: sexual, physical abuse, child slave labor, educational neglect. We feel ashamed, Angry, Appalled. But there is no action No action.", Michael declares. At the press conference also, he gives an emotional discourse to the people of South Africa: “First, I would like to say, sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, you have no idea how happy and honored I am to be here in South Africa. The people here have been so kind to me their love, their generosity, the hospitality has been overwhelming. I mean, I’m saying this from the bottom of my heart, ‘cause I really mean it. And I’m not wearing these glasses to be Mr. Cool, I wear these glasses because they are a facade, so you won’t have to see my tears ... [voice choking with emotions] ... I’m so happy to be here and you all have been so wonderful to me and I want to thank you so much and I thank you for coming to Sun City. I would like to take this opportunity to thank president Nelson Mandela and the wonderful people of South Africa for this gracious, really gracious welcome to your wonderful country. I just love it. I love it so much, I’m looking for a house to buy here [laughs]… I would like to thank the wonderful wonderful (inaudible) and the staff and its hospitality and hosting this conference. And I’m sorry I was not able to play South Africa dates previously, because I was so much looking forward to coming here. But now I am really excited about bringing the HIStory Tour – a brand new show, the HIStory Tour to South Africa. We are in negotiations right now, with promoters now and, but we’re playing South Africa in mid January 1997, in Capetown, in Durban and Johannesburg. My promoter, Mr. Marcel Avram is here today to announce additional dates and answer any questions you may have regarding the HIStory World Tour. I love you from the bottom of my heart and I thank you so much for your wonderful wonderful opportunity. Thank you.”