Living with Michael Jackson am 23.06.11 in Australien

  • Ich habe gestern von MJ Truth Now einen Newsletter bekommen. In Australien wird auf dem Fernsehsender Foxtel am 23.06.2011 die Dokumentation "Living with Michael Jackson" von Martin Bashir ausgestrahlt. Die MJ Fans rufen nun dazu auf mit Mails, Briefen und Anrufen den TV-Sender zu überschütten.
    Hier der Newsletter:
    MJTruthNow has always felt that the truth
    about Michael was severely compromised when Martin Bashir entered
    Neverland in 2003. As we've reported several times, we believe Bashir is
    a scar on the landscape of professional journalism. He should be
    removed from America's airwaves. We will never cease our efforts until
    he either publicly apologizes to


    Martin Bashir

    Michael's family or he is gone.
    Foxtel, a TV station in Australia, is planning to screen "Living With Michael Jackson" on the Biography channel on June 23, 2011.

    Time is of the essence.

    Bashir's so called documentary should never be aired again. Let Foxtel know that
    Bashir has a well-deserved reputation for being biased, self-serving and
    manipulative. Point out that this film was maliciously edited to cast
    Michael in a negative light, not a fair or balanced one. Ask that Foxtel
    give "The Footage You Were Never Meant to See" the airtime instead. You
    can view it at...

    PLEASE ... make your voice heard. If you call, you may require Operator

    Foxtel Headquarters
    5 Thomas Holt Drive
    North Ryde NSW 2113
    Sydney, Australia

    Customer Service (Australia only)
    131 999
    FAX - (612) 9813 7303



    Public Affairs and Media Contacts
    Adam Suckling, Director - Policy/Corporate Affairs
    Phone (612) 9813 6000

    To illustrate, we're providing a letter
    written by Judith, one of our staunchest Michael Jackson advocates, that
    can be used as a primer to compose your own communication to Foxtel.

    Re: Documentary, "Living With Michael Jackson," by Martin Bashir (host) and James Goldston (executive producer)

    Why are you broadcasting this shabby and long-discredited piece of tabloid proctology? It was concocted by Martin
    Bashir, the British shape-shifting poseur masquerading as a journalist, and his executive producer James Goldston. Having lost all credibility

    even among fellow gu<img style="TEXT-ALIGN: right"
    align="left" />tter
    rats in England, Bashir turned to America for a makeover and fresh celebrity prey. He found pop superstar, Michael Jackson, who was
    ill-advised to allow Bashir total access to his home, family and life. Why? Jackson hoped to replace, with truth, years of media-inspired
    myths, distortions and lies that dogged his life. Instead, Bashir prepared a hit piece edited to strengthen the lie that Jackson was a
    child predator and questionable parent. The devil is in the editing. Jackson countered Bashir's version with "Living with Michael Jackson Take 2:
    The Footage You Were Never Meant to See," which included material omitted by Bashir that didn't support Bashir's point of view. Jackson's
    rebuttal documentary was aired but never received the attention or exposure it deserves compared with Bashir's version. It's clear that
    media around the world cling ruthlessly to its profitable Wacko Jacko image rather than that of Michael Jackson, human being, entertainer,
    humanitarian and father. Foxtel's insistence on airing and re-airing Bashir's version is irrefutable testament to this.

    Despite Bashir's smear campaign, Jackson was found not guilty in a court of law of the false charges leveled against him. Sadly, we can only guess the
    toll such a trial had on Jackson's spirit. And wha<imgstyle="TEXT-ALIGN: left"
    alt="Bad1" align="left" />

    of Bashir? He lives on, boasting that "Living with Michael Jackson" is among his proudest achievements. A more accurate title would be, "Martin
    Bashir: Living Off Michael Jackson." Indeed, Bashir successfully parlayed his version of Jackson's life into a lucrative career move to American television where he now infects the airwaves at MSNBC. There he swims with other media sharks in the great toilet bowl that now passes for a news organization.

    Bashir's crimes are legion--against journalism, against those he deems lucrative targets for his greed and self-aggrandizement, and against the viewers he regularly misinforms.

    Yet he seems to escape punishment and is even rewarded. Bashir would make a very fine topic for investigation.

    As a service to viewers, you should at least show both Michael Jackson documentaries: Bashir's smear piece and Jackson's rebuttal, "The Footage You Were Never Meant to See."

    You have the first. Here is the second.

    We hope that you will help your fellow MJ supporters in Australia to get this despicable documentary cancelled.

    Thank you in advance for your support.


    :hut1: There's nothing that can't be done, if we raise our voice as one.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Minchen85 ()

  • Den Musterbrief hat die liebe Fleur (dankeschön :blume: )schon mal entschärft :
    Documentary "Living With Michael Jackson" by Martin Bashir (host) and James Goldston (executive producer)

    Dear Sir or Madam,

    why are you broadcasting this shabby and long-discredited piece of
    tabloid proctology? It was concocted by Martin Bashir, the British
    shape-shifting poseur masquerading as a journalist,

    and his executive producer James Goldston. Having lost all credibility
    even among colleagues in England, Bashir turned to America for a
    makeover and fresh celebrity prey. He found pop superstar, Michael
    Jackson, who was ill-advised to allow Bashir total access to his home,
    family and life.

    Jackson hoped to replace, with truth, years of media-inspired myths,
    distortions and lies that dogged his life. Instead, Bashir prepared a
    hit piece edited to strengthen the lie that Jackson was a child predator
    and questionable parent. The devil is in the editing.

    Jackson countered Bashir's version with "Living With Michael Jackson
    Take 2: The Footage You Were Never Meant to See," which included
    material omitted by Bashir that didn't support Bashir's point of view.
    Jackson's rebuttal documentary was aired but never received the
    attention or exposure it deserves compared with Bashir's version. It's
    clear that media around the world cling ruthlessly to its profitable
    Wacko Jacko image rather than that of Michael Jackson, human being,
    entertainer, humanitarian and father. Foxtel's insistence on airing and
    re-airing Bashir's version is irrefutable testament to this.

    Despite Bashir's smear campaign, Jackson was found not guilty in a court
    of law of the false charges leveled against him. Sadly, we can only
    guess the toll such a trial had on Jackson's spirit. And Bashir? He
    lives on boasting that "Living With Michael Jackson" is among his
    proudest achievements. A more accurate title would be "Martin Bashir:
    Living Off Michael Jackson." Indeed, Bashir successfully parlayed his
    version of Jackson's life into a lucrative career move to American
    television where he now infects the airwaves at MSNBC.

    Bashir's crimes are legion—against journalism, against those he deems
    lucrative targets for his greed and self-aggrandizement, and against the
    viewers he regularly misinforms. Yet he seems to escape punishment and
    is even rewarded. Bashir would make a very fine topic for investigation.

    As a service to viewers, you should at least show both Michael Jackson
    documentaries: Bashir's smear piece and Jackson's rebuttal, "The Footage
    You Were Never Meant to See."

    You have the first. Here is the second:

    Thank you in advance for your support.


    Hier noch die grobe Zusammenfassung (auch von Fleur :herz: ):
    im Prinzip schreiben sie halt, dass Bashir Michael betrogen hat, ungestraft davonkam und jetzt sogar bei MSNBC arbeitet und sich mit der
    Doku brüstet! Es soll eben zumindest die Gegendarstellung vom Sender auch gezeigt werden.

    Ich persönlich würde allerdings vom "Ton" her unseren Musterbrief an N24 verwenden (hab den Text schon mal angepasst):
    Dear Sir or Madam,

    I noticed that you are going to show the highly controversial documentary "Living with Michael Jackson" by Martin Bashir on June 23rd 2011.
    It is well known that Michael Jackson was cheated and betrayed by Martin Bashir, when he worked on, cut and commented the documentary without his

    The result was, among other things, that the viewers got the impression that Michael Jackson wouldn’t be a good father for his three children and that he had a troubled relationship to sexuality.

    The FOX documentary "The Footage You Were Never Meant to See" is a counterstatement and shows a contrary picture.
    The special thing on this correction is, that it is based on Michael Jackson´s own material, which was taken by his camera crew.
    So it was proved that Martin Bashir had cut the interview in a way, which showed a wrong picture.
    MartinBashir said in his own show "Nightline" on ABC on 06/25/2009 that he had never believed in a criminal activity of Michael Jackson.

    Michael Jackson was long enough a victim of hate campaigns of the popular press and this defamatory documentation harmed him as a person and with your
    constant broadcasting you continue this again and again.

    Unfortunately it seems to me that you don´t care that showing this documentary helps keeping up a completely wrong picture of Michael Jackson in everybody ‘s

    You as a TV channel could do many things to avoid this, you could stop broadcasting documentaries like this or show the counterstatement “The Footage…”.


    Also ich denke, da wir in letzter Zeit auch von all überall auf der Welt Unterstützung bekommen haben, sollten wir den Australiern auch helfen
    Hier die Adressen wo ihr hinschreiben könnt:
    Foxtel Headquarters
    5 Thomas Holt Drive
    North Ryde NSW 2113
    Sydney, Australia

    So, hab ich was vergessen? hmm... Haut in die Tasten :zahn:

    :hut1: There's nothing that can't be done, if we raise our voice as one.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Minchen85 ()

  • Danke fürs Einstellen, Minchen! :hkuss:

    Wichtig wäre halt, dass wir schnell reagieren, denn lang ist es ja nicht mehr bis zum 23. Juni!
    Mein Vorschlag wäre, dass ich einen Gemeinschaftsbrief an alle E-Mail-Adressen schicke und auch per Post und dann wäre es halt gut, wenn Ihr noch möglichst viele Einzelbriefe per Mail schicken würdet! Super, dass Minchen zwei Briefe eingestellt hat, denn dann brauchen wir nicht alle denselben zu schicken! :daumen:

  • Aber hallo schreiben wir Singlemails. Kommt Forumsgemeinschaft :gruppenk::clapping::clapping: Selbst wer nicht wirklich sehr gut englisch kann, kann sich aus beiden Schreiben den einen oder anderen Absatz nehmen - und weg damit. Sie haben uns auch mit ihren Unterschriften für unsere Petition geholfen und auch Einzelmails an unseren Sender geschrieben.

    Gegen diese Doku besteht der größte Zusammenhalt in der Jackson-Gemeinde weltweit.

    :blume: Amidala

  • :danke: Minchen für die Info.

    Wichtig wäre halt, dass wir schnell reagieren, denn lang ist es ja nicht mehr bis zum 23. Juni!
    Mein Vorschlag wäre, dass ich einen Gemeinschaftsbrief an alle E-Mail-Adressen schicke und auch per Post und dann wäre es halt gut, wenn Ihr noch möglichst viele Einzelbriefe per Mail schicken würdet! Super, dass Minchen zwei Briefe eingestellt hat, denn dann brauchen wir nicht alle denselben zu schicken

    :hkuss: Ja Fleurchen, Gemeinschaftsbrief ist super. Aber jeder separate Brief auch, da hast Du völlig recht. Setz mich gleich ran, (bin grad in Übung wegen DVDsale, Du weißt schon.) :kicher:

    Selbst wer nicht wirklich sehr gut englisch kann, kann sich aus beiden Schreiben den einen oder anderen Absatz nehmen - und weg damit. Sie haben uns auch mit ihren Unterschriften für unsere Petition geholfen und auch Einzelmails an unseren Sender geschrieben.

    Gegen diese Doku besteht der größte Zusammenhalt in der Jackson-Gemeinde weltweit.

    Das find ich auch richtig beeindruckend, wie Zusammenhalt in puncto Bashir ist. Da müssen wir doch helfen.
    Dass aber auch ausgerechnet ein biographychannel diese "Doku" verwendet. Was soll das denn für eine Biografie sein. :schulter: :flucht:

    Bin dann mal kurz wieder weg, email schreiben.

  • :danke: an Andrea, Richie, Amidala und Clairchen! :hkuss: Ja, ja, nicht dass Du noch aus der Übung kommst! :kicher:

    Die Gemeinschaftsmails sind schon raus, der Brief geht morgen zur Post...ich hab diesmal ein bisschen schnell gemacht, denn wie gesagt haben wir ja nicht viel Zeit! :zwinker:

  • :weglol::weglol:
    Ja Fleurchen, jetzt wo Du es sagst und ich noch mal genauer hingesehen hab. Kein Wunder, dass die sich nicht öffnen. :wegroll:
    Ich hab das so neben dem Moonwalkerfilm gemacht, da kann das schon mal passieren, dass man etwas durcheinander ist. Come together hat mich aus dem Konzept am Schluss gebracht. :lache:
    Ich schick die gleich nochmal ab.

  • Werd auch gleich eine Mail verfassen und absenden.
    Liebe Fleur, bitte setze mich doch mit auf die Liste für die Gemeinschaftsmails.:danke:

    LG und Gute Nacht


  • Ich habe bereits auf eine meiner mails eine Antwort bekommen. Hier ist sie:

    Dear Andrea,

    Thank you for taking the time to write this email.

    Your feedback is very important to us here at Bio. and your thoughts have been taken on board by our management and programming department.

    Everyone has a story on Bio, and we always try to present all sides to any story. Living with Michael Jackson will be airing on Bio. on 23 June, and you may be pleased to learn that we are also broadcasting several other programme titles relating to Michael Jackson; his life, family and work, to commemorate his passing on 25 June 2009.

    Many thanks again for your email.

    Kind regards,



    Am 21.07.2016 hast Du uns für immer verlassen - trotzdem wirst Du Teil dieser Gemeinschaft bleiben. R.I.P. liebe HoldMyHand

  • :gruß: Hallo ihr Lieben,
    also ich hab zweimal die gleiche Antwort wie Du, holdmyhand, bekommen. Genau der gleiche Text, nur die Anreden waren unterschiedlich. Die haben sich anscheinend schon gewappnet, gegen den Ansturm. Da wird wohl jeder die gleiche Antwort kriegen. Leider ändert das nichts an deren Haltung. :boese:

  • So ist es! Sie werden die Doku ausstrahlen. :thumbdown: Wieso zeigen sie eigentlich nicht die andere Version mit Michaels Kameras? :schwör: