LMP bei Oprah

  • Oprah asked did she feel love by Michael in the beginning. She did. she knew he didn't really have many women in his life, a few dates Oprah asked how did he propose-- they were in the library in front of the fire at neverland, MJ pulled out a 10 carat ring, got on his knees and propsed. Oprah asked did she feel it would last forever, she said yes.
    Orpah said when they were together it was like a circus. She said it was but they were together mostly with no cameras and alot of that was because History was coming out.
    Oprah asks does she feel manipulated- yes but she knew she had to do his thing but she understood as his wife, she needed to do certain things.
    Oprah asked was there alot of pressure to have a baby- LMP says yes andshe wanted to , but she wanted to make sure things were stable.
    Oprah says several months after they divorced it was announced that Debbie Rowe was pregnant.
    LMP says it was a bit retalitory act on his part She knew DR was there the whole time telling him she would have his baby, because he told her if she didn't debbie would. They would get
    into an arguments about it. At the time she felt hurt, she did things that hurt him. She was torn because she left her husband for Michael. While with MJ she never felt good about it. Danny was about her her life and MJ didn't know what to do with it. He was upset about the Hawaii vacation. He would leave and she couldn't find him. She says when she did things that upset MJ or when MJ got uncomfortable he would icy you out.
    But in retrospect, he tried very hard and went through so much with her. He never did that with any other female or anyone. They would argue for 3 days straight breaking to eat and sleep. She admires that he gave it a good shot. she didn't appreciate it then and she wishes she did.
    Did he have to die for her to realize he loved her. Yes she says when they were together they were really in love, had rough patches, she had to make a decison to walk because she saw the doctors coming and it scared her so she left but they spent 4 more years after the divorced getting back together, breaking up, talking about getting back togetherthen she pushed him away because she wasn't moving forward.
    She still loved him after she left him, She left him to make a stand and it was a stupid move because basically MJ called her bluff. He's stubborn. Afterwards she was still flying all over the world with him.
    Last spoke in a good conversation in 2005- she was removed and detached. He could feel it. He wanted to tell her she was right about the people around him. He asked did she still love him, she told him she was indifferent, he did't like it , he cried, he didn't understand how she became so detached.
    Final part of conversation, him telling her he felt someone was going to try to kill him to get ahold of his catalouge and estate, He named names but she doesn't want to say but he was concerned about his life.
    Oprah asks about the allegations, LMP says she did not see anyting like that. He called LMP about the trial. She told him to keep his head together. he said like what drugs. she said yeah. There was a time random thingswere coming out the BAshir interview, she saw him high as a kite, Oprah asks about the sleeping with young children comment MJ made in the bashir interview. LMP says she feels MJ says those things at times to be defiant like a little rebel because he got so angry so he would say things he knew people didn't like.
    Oprah goes back to the charges. LMP says no she doesn't like they were true but of course she can never know excatly what went on in the room but she doesn't think they are true.
    Did she get closure at the funeral- no. She was the last one standing up with him, she went back in because she didn't want to leave him. cue picture of her standing over the casket. She couldn't make peace, she wanted to apologize. She wanted to save him, she regrets she didn't at least try to call him or something.
    FAmily and friends tried to help him but if he didn't want you around making him confront things, you wouldn't be. That was a train headed ina certain direction and no one could stop it
    Oprah asks about current husband. Husband happy when she'll be done with this interview. He understands and she doesn't like it but she's had to deal with all this. She thanks God for him because it's highly unusual to deal with.
    She feels really alone that she's dealt with all this with her father and Michael but honored at the same time. June 25th is a day she dreadslike August 16th.

    She's not talking about it again.

    Kann mir das bitte jemand uebersetzen ?? danke :danke:

  • achlldsbliss :kiss:

    Äh, nun ja, das mit dem Lesen habe ich in der Schule schon noch mitbekommen :doof: Aber verstehen und dann auch noch zuordnen zu gesprochenen Kauderwelsch :ff: da hört es auf :blöd: Außerdem wird bin muss ich sowieso schon "straflesen", nachdem ich einige Tage kaum hier war :flucht:

    Aber ich danke bei dieser Gelegenheit allen, die mir hier so sehr helfen, die Infos zu verstehen, die ja meistens mehr oder weniger auf Kauderwelsch sind!!!! :ilem:

  • Bessere Qualität: Interview mit Oprah - stay tuned. Ich hoffe, die bringen nach und nach das komplette Interview.

    Oprah - LMP Part 1

    Edit - ich denke sie werden alles auf ihre Seite stellen (Lisa hat ziemlich "zugelegt", kann das sein?)
    Oprah - LMP Part 2

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Amidala ()

  • und hier nun die "übersetzung", mir kam bei ihrer aussprache so der gedanke, dass sie sich vielleicht deshalb scheiden ließen, michael hat wohl auch kein wort verstanden und nur immer gedacht :hwj: :hwj: :hwj: :hwj:

    @Blissi, jetzt hätt ich gern mal deine Lache dazu gehört :weglol:

    @ Fleur, mir gings grad so wie dir, bin auch schier vom Stuhl gefallen :ablach: ja und als Grund, für die Scheidung würde der doch durchgehn :blöd::doof:

    :herz: :herz: :herz: OOI HOPE YOU WILL STILL DANCINGOO:herz: :herz: :herz:

  • Zitat

    "@Blissi, jetzt hätt ich gern mal deine Lache dazu gehört :weglol: "

    :wegroll: :wegroll: :wegroll: :wegroll: :wegroll: :wegroll:

    gibs zu, die haste gehört und dir hamm die ohren geklingelt :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

    also ich fand die erklärung echt gut, stell dir mal vor du bist mit einem verheiratet, der redet wie brad pitt in "snatch" (kennt den jemand, den müsst ihr gucken, legt euch aber paar frische höschen hin, die bux is danach nass, den versteht man da so gut wie lmp) :weglol: :ablach: :weglol:

    Mit jedem Kind, das dir begegnet, ertappst du Gott auf frischer Tat.
    Martin Luther
    If I had a single flower for every time I think about you, I could walk forever in my garden. ~Claudia Ghandi

  • Na bravo .... ich muss gar nix mehr hören, mir reicht das Gelesene schon :patsch: Da kommt die Dame ja fein raus ... und Michael steht da wie der Depp :nix: Alleine zu sagen, sie wisse ja nicht, was hinter Michaels verschlossener Schlafzimmertüre geschehen sei, aber sie GLAUBE, die Vorwürfe seien nicht berechtigt .... :blau2::blau2::blau2: Diese Antwort hat Madame Winfrey sicher gut gefallen.

  • Diese Antwort hat Madame Winfrey sicher gut gefallen.

    ....und vielen anderen die das Interview hören vielleicht leider auch(zumindest die,die bis jetzt immer noch eine negative Meinung über Michael haben) :iwmm: Ich steh dazu...ich mag Lisa und meine Meinung habe ich auch schon kund getan,aber diese Aussage hätte sie sich besser klemmen können. :boese:

    ............................... Spuren im Sand verwehen, Spuren im Herzen bleiben.

  • Und nicht nur diese Sunny , sie stellt Michael wirklich in vielen Bereichen wie einen Deppen hin .... ich finde das ganze Interview sowas von geschmacklos .... warum gibt sie das eigentlich? Weil sie mit ihrer eigenen Rolle, die sie damals gespielt hat, nicht klar kommt, weil sie vor der Welt sogar jetzt noch demonstrieren möchte, dass sie der bessere, der erwachsenere, der reifere Partner war. Warum um alles in der Welt muss sie erzählen, dass Michael heulte, als sie 2005 auf seine Frage. ob sie ihn noch liebe, antwortete, sie stehe ihm gleichgültig gegenüber. Sie stellt Michael als den kleinen bettelnden Wicht hin ...... arme LMP .... es muss um ihren Selbstwert nicht allzu gut bestellt sein, dass sie das nötig hat. Wenn sie nämlich die Größe besitzen würde, die sie vorgibt, dann würde sie s'Maul halten. Sorry für meine Derbheit, ich kann grad nicht anders, ich platze sonst :boese:

    edit: und noch was, weil ich grad so schön in Fahrt bin :jubel: Diese Dame ist für mich ein absolutes NO-GO !! Und selbst, wenn alles so stimmen sollte, wie sie es sagt DAS TUT MAN NICHT, dass man einen anderen Menschen, von dem man sogar noch behauptet, dass man ihn liebt, in aller Öffentlichkeit so bloßstellt. Was denkt die sich eigentlich dabei?? Wahrscheinlich gar nix !! Wäre auch zu viel verlangt .......

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Nite Line ()

  • Na bravo .... ich muss gar nix mehr hören, mir reicht das Gelesene schon :patsch: Da kommt die Dame ja fein raus ... und Michael steht da wie der Depp :nix: Alleine zu sagen, sie wisse ja nicht, was hinter Michaels verschlossener Schlafzimmertüre geschehen sei, aber sie GLAUBE, die Vorwürfe seien nicht berechtigt .... :blau2: :blau2: :blau2: Diese Antwort hat Madame Winfrey sicher gut gefallen.

    Ja. :wacko:
    Widersprüchlich ist es aber auch mal wieder. Einmal heißt es, sie hätten seit über einem Jahrzehnt micht mehr miteinander geredet. Dann wieder heißt es, 2005 hätten sie ein Gespräch gehabt.
    Boah, mir reicht's manchmal. Ständig Widersprüchlichkeiten. Und wieso muss überhaupt jeder, der irgendwann im letzten Jahrtausend mal "Tach" zu ihm gesagt hat, jetzt ein Interview geben. Sorry, ich weiß natürlich, dass das übertrieben ist, aber manchmal langt's mir und heute ist einer dieser Tage. :S: Ich habe einfach die Nase voll von Interviews dieser Art, die ihn als ein wenig schräg und hilfsbedürftig hinstellen, und dann noch diese Aussage, sie GLAUBE, die Vorwürfe waren nicht berechtigt... Wo war Lisa denn die ganze Zeit, und ist sie des Lesens mächtig? Jeder Depp kann die entsprechenden Bücher und Prozessakten lesen, also wird sie das doch wohl auch noch hinbekommen.

  • Hier kommt das naechste auch schon :schäm:
    More details from the LMP/Oprah Interview! *SPOILERS
    he interview already aired in Chicago so this is from that lipstickalley website:
    Oprah's "questions" aren't questions. She says "You were manipulated, weren't you?" And Lisa says something incoherent.
    Oprah asks "Did you turn a blind eye to the drugs?" And Lisa says that she didn't realize that he had a drug problem until his collapse.
    I'll just write what I hear now:
    Pressure to have a baby, Lisa did want to have a baby (but thinking about the future and didn't want to have a bad custody battle). Which, I say, is strange to be thinking about that if you just admitted that you thought you would be married for life. Also, Why aren't you talking about the people in your ear, aka your mom and scientologists, who were telling what to do and think and about future custody battles.
    Thank you, Lisa for saying that she had done bad things!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    !!!!!!! She left her husband for Michael. While she was with Mike, she hadn't processed what happened. Mike was angry because she would go on vacations with her ex-husband and would always have him around, then he would be angry. If you did him wrong, he iced you out.
    He tried so hard. "He really fought hard for me and gave it a good shot and I didn't appreciate it at the time." But then she slyly says that Mike had never done it was another woman before or since. This b***** is really trying to set herself up as Mike one and true love and his widow. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!! !!!!
    He did have to die in order for Lisa to understand that he loved her.
    Drugs and doctors came in and that's Why Lisa left. Good, she admitted that they were together for 4 more years after the divorce!!!!!
    Lisa said that she made a stupid move by giving 2005, last time that they spoke. Lisa was very detached to him when he was trying to talking to him about how she was right about some of
    the things that she had said years earlier about some of the bad people in his life. He said that it was clear that there were people out to get him and try to kill him and take his catalog and his estate and at the time, she didn't know what to make of it. He asked her if she still loved him and she said that she was indifferent and he was angry and said how can you be indifferent to someone who once loved and he started crying. ANd he named names as to who he thought wanted to kill him. SO,Lisa knows a lot.
    Now, this is the most interesting part of the interview, imo. Of course, Oprah glosses over it and there's a commerical break. Lisa says that she never saw anything happened between Mike and kids. She also said that Martin Bashir was evil and edited the interview in a nasty way.
    She said that she was the last one standing with Mike, standing over the casket. There's a picture of her standing in front of the casket. Why take a photograph? Thought she was private?
    Lisa said that she wanted to apologize for not being around. She regrets that she didn't even call him and shut him out.
    She still feels guilty. She still loves him. Her current husband is *beep*
    Oh snap. Oprah just asks Lisa how her current husband feels? He says that he is glad when the interview is over because she can exorcise it from her system. And that he is so understanding and realzes that she isstill going through this. She feels like she is alone and honored that she got through her father and Mike.Lisa says that she is never going to talk about this again and that she only did it once and it's the Oprah Winfrey show. Oprah is very smart. Soldifling Mike's and Lisa's "legacy" in history now if Lisa never speaks about it again. I wonder how much money Oprah paid Lisa forthis because Lisa's ass is broke.

    UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!

    It wasn't all bad.She admitted that she broke up her first family, Mike was angry because she had her ex around and so he did things in retaliation, she was with Mike for 4 years after the divorce, Mike was an amazing person,she was addicted to him like a drug and her highest high in her entire life was being next him, she knows who Mike thought was conspiring to
    kill him and take his estate and catalog, she shut him out when he tried to talk to her in 2005, she said that she divorced him on a dare and she regrets doing that.
    Um, that's it, I think. Everything else is *beep* Lots of comparisons between Elvis and Mike. Lisa and Oprah trying to make her the widow and Mike's only true love. She says she is private but then, says that she was the last one over his casket and she was asking him to forgive her for abandoning him. And of course, there is a picture of her doing so. So much for privacy, right? Lisa doesn't go into real detail about the baby issue but it was clear to me that she felt jealous. She admitted that she loved being with him, as a unit, together. Never mentioned
    anything about family, just them as a unit. So she told on herself again.
    I feel bad for Mike. I think that he loved her a lot (she said that they would fight for days at a time and only sleep and eat and if Mike had a problem, he would wake her up in the middle of the night and talk to her about it) and she betrayed him with her game playing and testing (like the divorce when she really didn't want to get one) and I can see how he hardened his heart to her. Even in 2005, she was unsympathetic to him and that was the last time they supposedly spoke.


    Bitte um Uebersetzung :danke:

  • Ich schließe mich Nite Line und Dancer vollkommen an! Das ist echt das letzte und vollkommen niveaulos! :grimm: Ich muss auch sagen, dass das für mich unterschwellig nach Rache aussieht...natürlich völlig ungerechtfertigterweise! Wahrscheinlich sind ihre Eitelkeit und ihr angeschlagenes Ego immer noch gekränkt! So was Geschmackloses!

    Kann man Ihr auf Facebook nicht entsprechende Kommentare hinterlassen? Natürlich müsste man dabei schon niveauvoll schreiben...

  • Ich bin beileibe kein LMP-Fan, aber ich wundere mich hier gerade sehr: Was hat euch diese Frau eigentlich getan? Ihr seid richtig gehässig und dreht ihr jedes Wort im Mund herum. Und LMP hat auch nicht mal eben nur Tach gesagt. Sie war mit Michael immerhin verheiratet.
    Ich habe mir die Videos jetzt angesehen. Und ich muß sagen: LMP kommt mir hier absolut authentisch rüber. Sie spricht offen und ich sage auch ehrlich über die Beziehung mit Michael. Ich sehe nicht, daß sie ihn hier wie einen Deppen aussehen läßt.
    Sie spricht über seine Probleme mit Medis - und das ist nun mal nicht so einfach mit anzusehen, wenn einer quasi nicht mehr er selbst ist. Sie spricht davon, daß sie sich geliebt haben. Sie wollten eine normale Ehe führen. Aber ich denke, daß das mit Michael einfach nicht funktionierte. Seiner Kreativität hatte sich alles und jeder unterzuordnen. Er war wohl derjenige, der LMP aus seinem Leben ausschloß - und ich glaube ihr das. Und sie war auch nicht die erste Person in seinem Leben, der er den Rücken zuwand, sobald Kritik an ihm geäußert wurde.
    Das mußte ich jetzt einfach mal schnell loswerden.

  • LMP says no she doesn't like they were true but of course she can never know excatly what went on in the room but she doesn't think they are true.

    "LMP sagt, es würde ihr nicht gefallen, wenn die Anschuldigungen wahr wären, aber natürlich könnte sie niemals genau wissen, was in dem Zimmer abgelaufen ist, aber sie denke nicht, dass sie stimmen."

    Es tut mir leid, Vema, aber dieser Satz reicht mir, um diese Frau vollkommen zu verurteilen! Da muss ich noch nicht mal den Rest des Interviews kennen! Das ist einfach das Letzte! :grimm:

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Fleurdelys ()

  • Soll ich den zuletzt von Mikaela eingestellten Beitrag mal übersetzen? Ich frage, weil ich schneckengleich tippe und keine Lust habe, nachher festzustellen, dass jemand das längst übersetzt und schon 50 Minuten vor mir eingestellt hat. :tüte: :grins: (Ist mir schon öfter passiert: Übersetzt und laaaaangsam getippt - und dann hatte jemand anderes längst... *grummel* *gack*)

    Also, soll ich oder ist schon jemand fleißig dabei?

  • Manchmal ist es besser, das Original zu nehmen. In dem Fall lohnt es, sich die Videos anzugucken.
    Nichts für ungut.